Monday, May 9, 2005

So what's been going on in my life this last week?

Well, the three of us headed down to Cincinnati to get together with my two best friends from college and their husbands. Kevin and Alison had a good time. I, on the other hand, spent most of the weekend about thisclose to praying to the porcelain goddess. Whether it was something I ate or whether it was pregnancy related, I don't know, but I'm feeling much better today. In addition to that, I nearly had a heart attack Saturday morning because I was spotting a little bit. It wasn't a lot, and happened a couple more times that day and once Sunday morning and has stopped. I had another ultrasound today anyway, so I figured there wasn't too much point in worrying about it, since there was nothing I could do about it besides rest, which I was doing anyway since I was sick.

So we had the ultrasound was this morning and I was relieved to see that everything is fine. We have a nice strong heartbeat and everything looks good. According to the measurements, I have a due date of December 29, which is only 2 days off from what I came up with when I used one of the online due date predictors. However, because of Alison's fetal surgery, we'll be delivering at 37 weeks, which will be in the first (full) week of December.

We had a big question about Alison's ability to potty trained answered this morning. Because of the doctor's appointment, I had to get her up a little early. Due to the excitement of the weekend and the messed up schedule it caused, she was still sound asleep. Once she was finally awake, I took her to the bathroom and discovered that her diaper was still completely dry! So she has the ability to go 10 1/2 hours without peeing (actually more than that, since the last time she went was before her bath). That's something we've never been sure about, since she's always wet when we get her up. But a lot of the time she's been awake and playing in her crib for a while before we get her up, which I'm sure is the reason why she's wet. So now we won't have to wait until her next round of urodynamics tests to see if we've been potty training in vain.


Tina said...

I am so glad for you that things are going well. I got nervous for a minute just seeing the word "spotting."

Hey, Alison is doing really well with that potty training! Riley can't go that long...really, I don't know if I even can...;)

Melodee said...

Hooray for the potty-training girl!