Monday, May 2, 2005

Just wanted to give a little bit of an update. We had our first ultrasound today. Everything looks good so far....we confirmed that we are having a singleton, which I suspected based on what my hcg levels were doing, that it is in the right place, and there is a nice yolk sac. :) Since I am not quite 6 weeks yet, it was too early for a heartbeat, but if all continues to go well, it should be there next week. I'm feeling pretty good, so far. One of my meds makes me a little queasy at times, but other than that, I'm mostly just tired. It seems that, most days, I'm passed out on the couch by 3:00 or so. It's a good thing that Alison naps until 4:00!

I talked to my mom today and she told me she almost blew my Father's Day surprise for my dad. My brother's birthday is Friday and for his birthday present, I scanned some slides of him as a fairly newborn that my dad found last year with the intention of printing them out and putting them in a small baby album. His real baby album has been misplaced, leading to a family joke that he is adopted. Anyway, my mom said something to my dad about what I had done and he zeroed right in on the "scanned slides" part of the story. "They can scan slides?" He said. My mom quickly covered by saying that Kevin had done it at work and it was a real PITA to do, because she knew that otherwise he would be headed downstairs to look for his slides. And the problem with that is that his slides are in my office, being scanned and eventually made into a slideshow for him for Father's Day. She thinks she threw him off the trail, but just in case will move stuff around in the storage room so it won't be quite so obvious they're gone.

We've kind of slacked off on the potty training around here. There are a couple of reasons for it. Alison was pretty sick for the better part of a week, and we got out of the routine and I've been too tired to fight with her about it. We had her in underwear last Thursday and she was doing great. We thought we were home free regarding poop since she had pooped (in the potty I might add) at lunchtime. Hah! As per our Thursday night ritual, we were watching Beauty and the Beast. She got real squirmy towards the end of the movie, so that must have been when she pooped because otherwise she will lay on her pillow and not move until the movie is over. Kevin got her cleaned up and was dealing with the poopy underwear and I was filling up the bathtub. She was running around the living room naked. The next thing we know she came flying into the bathroom and grabbed the potty seat, shoving it at Kevin to put it back on the toilet. She had to go, and she had to go bad! Unfortunately, Kevin wasn't fast enough and she tinkled on the floor a little bit before he ended up just holding her over the toilet. If it ever gets warmer here (a week ago we had 4 inches of snow again) I think I'm going to try ditching the twisters for a week or so and seeing if going naked while we're at home will finally help everything to click.

I think that's about it from here.


Melodee said...

Sounds like things are going well . . . except for the errant poop, of course. I recommend naked potty-training. It helps a lot!

JUST A MOM said...

Might I just say,(I hate when people tell ya all kinds of stuff) but potty training is a slow stressful thing. Just wait till she says "mommy I wanta go potty". Really it is less stress on everyone, out of all my kids (35+) They never start school in diapers. Take it from me, Go the less stress life! Congrads on the new baby!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new little one!!!