Sunday, March 13, 2005

I think we may be on the road to being potty trained here! Alison stayed dry all day, at least when she was awake. She was a little wet when she woke up from her nap, but we're not expecting her to be dry while sleeping immediately. We started out taking her to the potty every half hour (and that is a complete pain in the ass when she's wearing her twisters), but today she went as long as an hour in between potty visits and stayed dry. I think we'll keep up the half hour or hour trips to the potty for now, since we aren't real sure what her sensation is. Hopefully we'll get that figured out soon. Now we need to work on pooping on the potty. We need to try and get a bowel program going, getting her body "trained" to go at the same time every day. That's going to be tough because she doesn't like to pay attention to the matter at hand and do any practical pushing to get things moving. In time, hopefully we'll get things worked out. I'm just thrilled that we may be seeing an end to diapers in our future, and it looks like we're going to be able to do it without cathing!

Editing to add that this morning (Monday) Alison went 2 1/2 hours with a dry diaper. Yay!! Unfortunately, she ended up peeing in it sometime during PT. :( Oh well, back to the drawing board.

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