Friday, March 4, 2005

I like to bake. I'm sure it stems from all the times I made cookies and stuff with my mom as a kid. I don't bake very often, but when I do, I tend to go all out. I make dozens and dozens of cookies at Christmas. I make my husband his favorite dessert for his birthday. I make stuff to send to my niece and nephews at various times throughout the year. I even got involved in one of those deals where I get a new packet of cookie recipes every three or four weeks, kind of like Columbia House or a book club. This year, my BIL and nephew's Christmas presents got delayed in the mail (they did finally arrive, but not until after New Year's). My BIL was not in the least concerned about not receiving their gifts but he was bummed about not getting any cookies! Who knew?!?

So here it is, almost Easter, and I'm baking again. I got a whole bunch of really cute Easter cookie recipes from the cookie club, and I picked a few of the easier ones out to make and send to my niece and nephews, in lieu of making up Easter baskets this year. And now I have a helper. She's about 3 feet tall and into everything.
licking the beater
It's exasperating at times, especially when we're making things for other people, but in the end I think it's worth the aggrivation. I hope when she's all grown up and a mom herself, she'll remember us making cookies and think it's a good thing to do with her own kid(s).

licking the beater

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