Saturday, February 26, 2005

Alison is learning to sign. In the week that we've had the first Signing Time video, she's learned all 18 signs. There are a couple that she doesn't do very well, but she knows what they are if you sign them to her. Before we got the video, we spent a lot of time amusing ourselves with the demo clips on the Signing Time website and learned a few other signs, too.

So tonight, after reading a couple of books and before getting her into bed, Alison and I were sitting in her rocking chair, with her on my lap facing me, talking. She let out a little burp, which was rather nasty smelling since she had just had a little milk and we had pizza for dinner, and my reaction was something between "eww" and "ugh," kind of a gagging noise, I guess. Immediately, Alison put one hand on my forehead and the other hand on my stomach, roughly the sign for sick, and said "mommy sick." Then she did the sign for real, putting a hand on her head and stomach. I was shocked. She's never done the sign before and then goes and makes the connection between the little "sick" sound I made and being sick and does the sign. It never ceases to amaze me what little minds can absorb.

1 comment:

Tina said...

She's so bright! I think it's so great that you are teaching her that....