Saturday, February 26, 2005

Oh, I think I did something really dumb today.

Kevin didn't do such a great job snowblowing all the snow we got last Sunday, and it's snowed off and on since then, including another 2-3 inches yesterday, so there was a lot of packed snow on the driveway....two inches thick in some places. In a fit of productivity, I decided to take advantage of the sunny, 30-something degree day and try and shovel off the driveway. Lest you think this was an easy task, our driveway is over 90 feet long, and is as wide as our two car garage. It took me just over an hour, but most of it is down to bare concrete. If I am able to move tomorrow, it will be a minor miracle. The worst thing about it is, when I was about half way done and thinking I could just relax tomorrow afternoon (preferably in a hot bath), I remembered I can't do that because I have to babysit at church for a program they're having tomorrow afternoon!!! I hope there aren't too many kids. Maybe there'll be a baby there that just wants to be rocked for a couple of hours. I could handle that! Oh well, at least I made up a little for the fact that I didn't do much (any) exercising this week, due to some sort of cold or sinus problem and a few sleepless nights that made the idea of getting up at 6:00 in the morning to work out very unappealing.

Oh, and where was Kevin while I was doing all this, you might ask? He is helping chaperone our middle school youth group's ski trip today. He's going to come home and piss and moan about how sore he is from enjoying a day of skiing. At least I earned my sore muscles doing work. :)

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