Monday, January 31, 2005

Woo hoo! We were finally able to get out and go walking again. Between the FET and the bitterly cold temperatures lately, we haven't been walking since at least the beginning of December. It felt really good, too. :) I was a little concerned that something or other was going to really hurt by the time we got home, but I haven't gotten as out of shape as I feared. I even made it over the knee high snow banks without hurting either of us. Alison hasn't gained much weight, so that helps. I did end up with one small blister, but I chalk that up to wearing my hiking boots instead of my tennis shoes... my feet aren't used to them.

Being out walking kind of makes up for not getting up and doing Tae Bo this morning. In my own defense, I was not being lazy. I had fully intended to get up, but Alison was up coughing in the middle of the night and therefore mommy was up, too. By the time 6:15 came around I could barely open my eyes, and I still had a bit of the sore throat that popped up yesterday. So I ditched my workout and grabbed an extra hour of sleep. It must have helped, because I'm feeling much better now.

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