Wednesday, February 2, 2005

UGH!!! There is sickness in my house! Kevin has been moaning and groaning around here for a couple of days because he has a cold and he's "dying." @@ Alison has been coughing and sneezing for over a week and we thought she was getting better, but last night she (and consequently I) was up most of the night coughing. This morning she was running a fever, so I gave her a little Tylenol and she was her normal energetic self all morning. She ate well, drank well, played well. Then came lunch. She was crabby because she was getting tired. We managed to get her to eat some pears and a couple of bites of lima beans and peas. That last bite of peas was the killer. She put them in her mouth willingly and then wouldn't finish them up. Normally, when she does this, she will finish food while on her way to her room to get ready for a nap. That was not the case today. She gagged on them while Kevin was taking off her shoes and brace and promptly started puking. That upset her a lot and made her cry and that made her puke again, and again, and again, and again. Finally we got to the point where there was nothing left to puke up. So there we were, covered in vomit (because she managaed to puke on me, too) and trying to get her settled down. Not an easy task. Kevin got her undressed while I got some clean clothes and something to put the yucky clothes in. She complained about her mouth being yucky, but wouldn't take a drink and wouldn't let us brush her teeth. She also wouldn't let us giver her any cough medicine (and I can't really blame her), so she'll probably cough her way through her much needed nap.

I hope this sickness leave my house soon, and I hope it skips me on it's way out.

1 comment:

Tina said...

I hope you don't get sick! It is bad enough having a sick child. My husband drives me crazy when he is sick too...he doesn't do it right. LOL