Wednesday, December 15, 2004

So I remembered to go in for my bloodwork and ultrasound this morning. I raced around like a crazy person trying to get myself and Alison ready to go, but we made it. Either there aren't very many women cycling right now, or they were very efficient this morning, because I don't think we waited 10 minutes before it was my turn to go back (I'm voting for not very many women cycling this month). Julie got my blood in one stick with no digging around for a vein. I was very greatful for that. My ultrasound was relatively uneventful. We could see an area where there was some "loose" blood, which makes sense because I've had a little bit of spotting the last two days, but otherwise the lining of my uterus looked fine. My ovaries looked fine, but it was really hard (and rather painful) to get a good look at my left one. I've had problems with that ovary before. Six years ago I had a wedge resection done on it, due to a ruptured cyst, and it was actually behind my uterus and adhered to it. The ovary is really close to my uterus again and I'm wondering if there are not some adhesions from the fetal surgery incisison site that are causing it. (I know I had adhesions from the back of my uterus to my bowel when Alison was born.....which makes sense since the incision from the fetal surgery was in the back of my uterus.)

At any rate, I got the call this after noon that my bloodwork was fine and I am to start my meds. I'm taking estrogen tablets 3 times a day and wearing an estrogen patch that I change every three days. I go back again for another round of bloodwork and another ultrasound next Wednesday. If all goes well, I'm guessing our transfer will be the 28th or 29th. Hopefully we'll know for sure after next Wednesday's appointment.

Alison was very well behaved during my appointment. She sat very nicely in her stroller and nursed the cup of milk that I gave her to drink on our drive to the doctor's office. She talked to the nurses, who all had to make sure they saw her before we left. After all the attention people have been giving her, she's in for a rude awakening if this works and we have another baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One stick and no digging around! That is always nice...
I really hope things go well for you this time...
Alison just sounds like a sweetheart!
