Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I sat down here to write something and I have no idea what to write. I just have jumbles of thoughts swimming around in my brain.

Saturday, Alison had an unfortunate encounter with brick wall. Kevin and I are middle school UMYF counselors. Saturday our kids were doing one of their church service projects by babysitting for parents who wanted to drop their kids off for a few hours to do some Christmas shopping or whatever. Alison was with us because it seemed a little silly to pay for a babysitter so that we could go and babysit other kids. Anyway, after lunch, the kids got out the little scooters and of course Alison was all interested in that. I sat there watching and thinking this was not going to be a good thing and she was going to end up getting hurt....that she was going to get run over/knocked down or was going to have her fingers or a foot run over. These scooters could be hooked together in a sort of scooter "train." At one point, Alison got on the scooter train, the second scooter from the front, and another, older, boy started pushing it. He was going really fast and had veered towards the wall, eventually heading straight towards it. Kevin tried to get him to slow down just before he rammed the scooter train into the wall, causing Alison to fly into it head first. Fortunately she has a very tough skull, because, after we got her calmed down, she was just fine....didn't even want us to put ice on her bump (which was enourmous, and I don't know how we missed seeing it right away, but we did). She was running around again in no time. The scooters were put away right after it happened.

My FIL is dying. We've known he was dying since earlier this year, but now it's down to a matter of weeks, most likely. His doctors have given three months at most, but his cardiologist will be turning off his defibrulator after Christmas. I don't think any of us realistically expect it to be much longer once that's done.

As long as I remember to go to my appointment tomorrow morning, we're scheduled to have our embryo transfer the week after Christmas. I was supposed to go in for bloodwork and ultrasound yesterday but, for whatever reason, completely forgot. Fortunately it doesn't mess us up, since I'm not scheduled to start meds until tomorrow anyway, but it's really not like me to forget things like that. I was supposed to be there between 8:00 and 8:45, and didn't remember until 9:45 when I was calling to reschedule Alison's appointment with her orthopedic surgeon. Her brace was supposed to be in last week, but it's not here yet, so we've rescheduled for the appointment for after the first of the year because there's so much going on for us between now and then.

This morning I tried a potty training experiment with Alison. When we were out shopping yesterday, I picked up a package of waterproof training pants for Alison (underwear with a vinyl cover all in one). She was really excited about her new underwear. So much so that she went tinkle on the potty before her nap, stayed dry during it, went tinkle again as soon as she got up, stayed dry until dinnertime, went again, and then ended up going in her diaper while she was playing after dinner. I decided to try the training pants this morning to see if she would ask to go to the potty if she felt when she started going in her pants. Well....she didn't. Her diaper was dry when I put the training pants on her and an hour later when we went to the bathroom so she could go potty before we went to Story Time, she was completely soaked....training pants, shirt, pants, even the tops of her socks were wet, and she never said a word about it. This raises the question of does she even have the ability to feel that she is wet? I hope so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I often sit down without any idea of what I am going to write, and am surprised at what I end up with before I am finished!
