Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Well, all those shots really are doing something. I had bloodwork and ultrasound today. The bloodwork came back fine. The ultrasound showed 10 follicles, one of which is already at 15mm. Wow! Because that follicle is big, it's time to start the Antagon injections. They will keep me from accidentally ovulating on my own, which would really suck. It also means we have to up my Repronex from 5 amps to 6.

I commented to the nurses today that I don't remember being this tired the last time we did this. It's been like early pregnancy without actually being pregnant. We all came to the conclusion that it's because there's a toddler in the mix that wasn't there the last time. I can't just take a nap whenever I feel tired and I can't just sleep till 9 or 10 if I'm still tired when the alarm goes at 7. If we're successful, the fatigue passes quickly because this is a real drag!

I've been finishing up odds and ends of projects this week. I'm thisclose to finally finishing the slipcover for one of our living room chairs (which I started more than 2 years ago). I've got most of the laundry done and the sheets on the guest bed and the guest towels have been washed. All I have left to do tomorrow is dust and run the sweeper. Oh, and take Alison to Ann Arbor for her appointment with the orthopedic surgeon.

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