Thursday, October 14, 2004

I really hate dealing with insurance companies. Dealing with infertility and the treatments that go along with it is stressful enough, but having the insurance company in there mucking things up makes it that much worse. Stimming for in vitro is rather time sensitive. You have to start them by cd 3. My doctor's office called in my prescriptions yesterday, cd 1, and, after Kevin received an e-mail stating that everything was in and approved and he called and checked for sure with the pharmacy, I went in to pick everything up after he got home from work. When I got there, the only thing they had for me was my syringes and my antibiotic. I was told that they had to call for approval on just about everything else and it was going to take a few days to get it straightened out. "A few days!!!!" I said, "I don't have a few days. I need to start these meds tomorrow!" Well, I was told, you'll have to talk to the doctor's office. How am I supposed to do that, I said. It's 5:30 and no one is there. One less than helpful pharmacy tech said that perhaps the doctor could just reschedule my cycle. Um, I don't think so. I left everything there and got out of the store before I completely lost it. I came home in tears and told Kevin what happened. He whipped out his insurance card and called the insurance company to find out what the problem was. When our insurance was switched to this company, we consulted the prescription drug pamphlet to make sure that the meds we use for in vitro would be covered and they were all on the list. Since Kevin didn't know for sure what I was supposed to be getting, I had to talk to the insurance lady. She was very nice and was able to manually override what ever it was that was preventing the request from going through and then called the pharmacy to make sure they were able to submit it and get approval. She then proceded to tell me that I should try to give them more notice in the future. Well, gee....why did your comapny send my husband and e-mail stating everything was approved when it wasn't? We could have been working on this all day if it had sent him one saying there was a problem.

So, after Alison was in bed for the night, I went back to the pharmacy (lucky for me it's open 24 hours). Well, here's what we have for you.....we've only got 10 of the Repronex, and we're having a hard time getting it in....hopefully we'll be able to get a drop shipment from the manufacturer on Saturday. Great. I'm supposed to take 4 amps a day, so those 10 amps you have will last me 2 1/2 days. We've only got 3 of the Antagon, the rest will be in by tomorrow. Ok, no problem. I won't need those right away anyway. We don't have any Gonal-F. It will be here tomorrow morning. Ok, as long as it's here tomorrow morning, that's fine. I won't have to start it until after I hear from the doctor's office, so I can pick it up tomorrow afternoon. Everything else was ready.

I would like to say that I am very grateful that we have prescription drug coverage, because I was able to walk out of Walgreens tonight with several thousand dollars worth of drugs that I only had to pay about $135 for. I just wish we didn't have to go through the hassle that we so often do when trying to get prescriptions filled.

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