Wednesday, October 13, 2004

For the last 3 1/2 weeks, we've been in the inactive phase of our in vitro process. All I had to do was remember to take my pill every day, stop them on the appointed day and wait for my period to start. Today begins the active phase of our in vitro cycle. In other words, AF is in the house. I called in to the doctor's office today and got things going. They are going to be ordering my meds today, and I'll be starting them on Friday. I'm to go in on Friday morning (cycle day 3) for bloodwork and baseline u/s. That is one of the things I hate the most....having to have a transvaginal ultrasound when I still have my period. But I have learned that it is virtually impossible to go through infertlity treatment and come out with a shred of modesty left. When we went through this three years ago, I'd swear my doctor was more familiar with my intimate parts than my husband was.

My MIL is visiting right now, and I'm really not thrilled with having to be doing this stuff while she's here, but there's nothing I can really do about that at this point. I had really hoped to keep this kind of quiet (meaning I didn't really want her to know we were doing it), but the timing didn't work out that way. She doesn't retain information all that long, so maybe it will just slip her mind and she won't be constantly asking about it.

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