Wednesday, September 1, 2004

We're on our way

We had our appointment with Dr. Shamma on Monday. Let me just say, nothing ever changes at that place. It's been nearly 3 years since the last time we were there and, just as before, our 1:45 appointment didn't start until well after 2:15. We didn't get finished until 3:30. Why I actually thought we might get in on time and be out in half an hour is beyond me. The longer we sat, the more frustrated Kevin, who was taking time off work, there was anything I could do about it. It is not easy keeping a 2 year old occupied at the doctor's office for that long, either. We did end up letting her trot up and down the hall a few times. She went and talked to the office manager for a little bit, too....she had a radio in her office so Alison went in to "dance."

So we have our protocol. It's the same as last time, really. I was kind of hoping that I wouldn't need quite so many drugs to stim with since I've lost about 60 pounds since our last full in vitro cycle, but since I was 29 then, and I've already celebrated the 3rd anniversary of my 29th birthday now, I'm still doing 4 and 4. That's four amps in the morning (Gonal-F most likely) and 4 amps in the evening (Pergonal or Repronex). All 4 amps get mixed into one injection, but my butt still hurts just thinking about it. :( After procedure, in addition to progesterone-in-oil injections, I'll do Lovenox injections and baby aspirin again. If I get pregnant, I'll be one giant bruise by the time I'm able to stop all the meds. But before we get that far, I have to get through an ultrasound and mock transfer and a month of birth control pills. Oh, and Kevin has to get another semen analysis done. As they said, we really don't want to get to the day of retrieval and find out there's nothing there.

At least the financial load won't be quite as heavy this time. As I mentioned before, our insurance will cover about a third of the cost. Prices have increased about $1000 since we did this before, so the doctor knocked $1000 off our price. I don't know if he did it because we're repeat customers or because of everything we went through last time, but I'm not going to complain.

The doctor told us we could be ready to do the procedure in October, but since we are going to be on vacation for the last week of September, that won't work because I wouldn't be able to come in for blood work and ultrasounds to monitor the stimulation process. So we are going to do it in November. When I get my period next month (because let's face it, I'm not going to miraculously get pregnant on my own this month) I'll start birth control pills. And then we're off.....

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