Wednesday, May 5, 2004

Shopping for Shoes

We're going to a wedding this weekend and while I don't have a problem wearing a dress that's a good 5 years old (see our Easter pictures below), I figured it would be a good idea to get a new pair of shoes to go with it, since the pair I used to wear with it are at least 11 years old, probably older. I have a nice pair of white shoes that could have been a possibility, but they just don't look quite right. How hard is it to run out and find a pair of pumps that would look halfway decent with this dress? Well, let's just say it probably would have been easier to find a new dress to wear with my white shoes.

Now, I know that in current fashion, pantyhose are out. I also know that the current trend in dressy footwear is a strappy, opened toed, sandal-type shoe. However, this body needs control top pantyhose and pantyhose with open toed shoes is quite possibly the mother of all fashion faux pas. That's how I found myself at our mall, wandering from store to store to store trying to find a shoe that was not only the right color, but that didn't look like something a senior citizen would be wearing. At 32 years old, I don't think I'm ready for the Hush Puppies and Naturalizers.

At the 5th store I went to, I found something that might work, but it was still a little on the frumpy side. I headed off to the only store I hadn't been to yet with little hope of finding anything. But there it was. A nice, ivory sling my size....on sale! After walking around in them for a little while, checking them out in the mirror, looking at my watch and seeing that I had to be home in less than 25 minutes, I decided to take them.

I tried them on with my dress after I put Alison to bed. I think they're going to be all right. I was a little concerned about them being too tight Saturday night, but I figured my feet aren't going to be anymore swollen then than they were last night, so I'm not going to worry about it. Here's the funny thing....not only have I decreased my clothing size in my weightloss journey, I've also decreased my shoe size! Well, for these particular shoes anyway.

So that was my shoe shopping expedition. Next up, sandals for Alison. That's probably the only thing that will be more difficult than finding shoes for this wedding!

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