Saturday, May 1, 2004

Bath Time

Bath time at our house is daddy's job. I don't like to do bath. I'm not sure exactly why, but I don't. It's not like it's all that hard....put Alison in the tub with some toys, let her play around a little, brush her teeth, soap her up and rinse her off, and wash her hair.

I guess hair washing is why I don't like doing bath. It shouldn't be such a big deal, but for some reason --my left-handedness maybe?-- I'm not coordinated enough to rinse the shampoo out without traumatizing my child. I have come up with an idea --ok, I stole someone else's idea-- on how to make it a little better. We went to Target last night, bought a little toy watering can and voila! Instant mini shower. :) I still have to be really careful about shampoo in the eyes because Alison puts her head down instead of tilting it back, but it's a definite improvement. Alison likes to use it to water the bath water.

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