Wednesday, May 19, 2004

A Couple of Quick Updates

Since I can't remember any of the other things I thought I might want to write about, I'll just give a couple of updates.

Alison had her follow-up with the ped on Monday. He told us her posture has improved dramatically. Imagine that. I guess when you're not constantly fighting to maintain your balance, you can stand up straighter when you walk. Alison did things kind of backwards. Instead of learning to stand before she walked, she walked before she could stand (without support). At any rate, she was prounounced "doing wonderfully" and we were sent on our way.

I know the reason we take Alison to clinic is so that she can see a specialist because we don't expect her regular ped to have as much experience in dealing with SB, but gees, you'd think maybe he might brush up on some of the particulars when he knows he has a patient with SB. I know they told us at Vanderbilt that we would come away with more knowledge of SB than 99% of doctors in the country, but it's still kind of a weird experience. I was about a half step ahead of our RE throughout our treatment for infertility, due to the research I did beforehand, but that was more a case of he'd say we were going to try something different and I'd be able to tell him what it was going to be (and then he'd ask me how I knew that). This is a whole different ball game though. At least he'll be a little smarter about treating SB kids when/if the next one comes along.

And now a quick update on me. My original goal was to lose 30 pounds by my friend's wedding. I didn't quite make it. I only got down 25. Now, almost 2 weeks later, I'm down 27. Hopefully I'll get the last 3 off by the end of the month. I should have had no problem making it by my "deadline," but I know I slacked off quite a bit here and there. Actually, I didn't do any exercise other than walking with Alison last week, and even that was hit or miss. But I'm back on track now (I hope). I want to lose 50 pounds altogether and I'm hoping to have it all off by Alison's birthday, or Labor Day at the absolute latest.

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