Monday, May 17, 2004


We had some huge thunderstorms go through this afternoon. Unfortunately we really didn't need any more rain. Kevin had a double header in his softball league tonight and the games were flooded out for the second week in a row.

The storm held off until just before 4:00. That was nice because I didn't have to worry about it waking Alison up since normally gets up around then anyway. I was talking to my mom on the phone and she asked me if Alison was afraid of the thunder and I told her it didn't seem to bother her (especially now that she's off her meds). As if to prove that point, when I went in to get her up, we heard a big rumble of thunder and she thought it was a motorcycle. I guess there are advantages to living next to Harley afficionados.

It rained pretty hard for about another half an hour. Luckily we were not in the area with the 1 1/2 to 2 inch hail. Luckier still, we were not in the area where they suspect there was a tornado. I hope everyone there is ok.

As far as I'm concerned, the rain can take a break for a few days. My back yard needs some time to dry out!

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