Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Bottle Free

I forgot to put this in the update entry, but Alison is now bottle free. She's been down to just one bottle before bed for several months. In the last couple of weeks she's been drinking milk from a cup a whole lot better, so I decided Monday was it. We were going to ditch the bottle and switch to a cup. She didn't even bat an eye. She's also drinking almost the whole 5 oz. that I put in it (same amount as she used to get in the bottle) without a fight, and I did not think she would. I thought she might drink half of it and planned to adjust accordingly, in anticipation of ditching the bedtime milk altogether. Guess I'll have to rethink that plan. :)

At any rate, on one hand I'm happy that we've finally gotten rid of the bottle. It means she's growing up. On the other hand I'm sad that we've finally gotten rid of the bottle, because it means she's growing up.


Melodee said...

Congratulations to Alison! It's always bittersweet when they pass another milestone.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Allison for no bottle!! =)