Sunday, November 6, 2005

Things That Go Bump in the Night

Thursday night -- well, actually Friday morning -- I happened to wake up just as something in one of the other rooms went THUD. And then I was pretty sure I also heard a cry. I wasn't totally sure, because Kevin had the monitor with him (since I've been pregnant, Kevin has been sleeping in the guest room -- we sleep better that way....he doesn't wake up when I toss and turn, I don't wake up when he goes to bed and gets up). I heard Kevin get up and go into Alison's room. Apparently, the thud I heard had been Alison hitting the floor. For the first time since she's been out of the crib, she fell out of bed. Fortunately it wasn't that far of a fall, and it's entirely possible that she would have just gone back to sleep on the floor. But Kevin got her picked up and put back into bed....up against the wall....and she was fine for the rest of the night. And then we all went back to sleep.

I'm not surprised that this finally happened. There have been several times that we've gone in to check on her and found her all turned around, sleeping nearly sideways on the bed with her head practically off the side. Hopefully this has cured some of her thrashing about.

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