Saturday, July 19, 2008

Well, I stepped on the scale this morning to find that I lost 3 pounds this week. Yay me! However, today is Saturday, which is a notoriously bad eating day. Today would have been better, but we went to redeem some coupons that came in a card Alison brought home for Mother's Day. At Harry & David, I got two truffles and a chocolate covered cherry, and then we bought chocolate and yogurt covered pretzels. At Bronner's I got a free ice cream with 1 topping, which we all shared. We haven't eaten the Rosettes from Zhender's Marketplace yet. Saturday is also movie night and Alison wanted popcorn, so I had way more than I really needed to eat. Oh well, tomorrow is another day, and at least we were walking around for most of the afternoon.

Food journal:

2 bran muffins
14 oz. glass of sweet tea
1 bowl of bran flakes w/milk
7 chocolate covered pretzels
5 or 6 yogurt covered pretzels
1 chocolate covered cherry
1/2 chocolate truffle
1/2 mocha truffle
vanilla ice cream w/chocolate sauce (shared with Kevin and Alison)
1 slice of pepperoni pizza
2 breadsticks
1 small iced tea and a partial refill w/5 packets of sugar (I really need to start tucking some packets of Splenda in my purse so I don't have to use sugar)
way more buttered popcorn than I should have eaten
14 oz. glass of sweet tea
2 chocolate covered pretzels
2 yogurt covered pretzels

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