Monday, March 3, 2008

So it's been a long time since I've blogged regularly. I've decided to give it a try again, though I don't know if I'll have much worthwhile to say. Today, Alison stayed home from school so we could see if her yo-yoing fever from yesterday was really gone or if it was merely yo-yoing again. It's been down all day, so she's back to school tomorrow, which is good because she has a playdate tomorrow afternoon while we go to a meeting with her teacher. There's a long involved story about why we're having a meeting with her teacher, but I don't have the time or energy to get into that right now. I had a pretty productive day around the house, since I was kind of tethered to it. I've got all the laundry washed and half of it put away, so that has to count for something. I also, finally, finished a blanket for Alison that I've been working on -- in fits and starts -- for nearly a year. It turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself.

Sleeping Beauty Blanket

That's about it from here. Time for me to do my part in getting Alison ready for bed, and then go off to bed myself. Back to school for her means back to the gym for me, so I need to get some sleep so I don't fall asleep on the crosstrainer. :)

1 comment:

namesconnie said...

I was looking up "Sleeping Beauty" blanket and saw this one you made. It is just beautiful. I had a Sleeping Beauty bedspread as a little girl and just loved it. What a wonderful present you made. Sincerely, Connie