Friday, October 28, 2005

Today was Halloween at Kevin's plant. The employees are encouraged to dress up and decorate and the kids are encouraged to come and trick or treat. So last night I made the two little alterations that Alison's costume needed and this morning she was ready to go.

I think it probably goes without saying that Alison was very excited this morning. She even went in to go to the bathroom before we left without any fuss. Then we got her into her costume, grabbed her pumpkin, daddy's candy
and the Halloween candy bowl (which he forgot to take with him this morning) and off we went.

Kevin met us at the door and we were ready to go. Alison picked out a chocolate ear from the candy at the reception desk and then had to pull it out of her pumpkin to show every one we passed after that. "Look what I have!" She was all over everywhere. She'd go into offices to get candy and then have to check out what everyone had on their desks. Since she was one of the first to come through, she got a ton of candy. We kept telling her to only take one piece, and they kept giving her two or three. By the time we were done, her pumpkin was almost completely filled and was so heavy that she could barely carry it. At one stop, she was given a headband with little witches in purple dresses on it, which matched her costume perfectly, but she wouldn't wear.


I'm glad we had the "dry run" with Alison's costume. We found out that her witch's hat is too slippery on the inside to stay on her head while she's moving, so I'm going to have to come up with some way to fix that. I think I can get a little piece of inexpensive material and make a couple of little ties to tack to it and we'll just tie it on. Otherwise, it's a great costume for her. It's not so great for wearing in the car though. After we were done, off it came and she went home in her oversized, black turtleneck, tights, church shoes and a pair of shorts.


Melodee said...

She sure is cute!

Tina said...

Sounds like she was the life of the party...and she looks adorable...:)