Friday, September 16, 2005

Well, 25 weeks down. How many more to go? Who knows. It should be 12 more, but realistically, that's not going to happen. I had my weekly check-up yesterday, and it was more of the same. Pele is still living up to his/her nickname. S/he is apparently still growing....after 2 weeks measuring at 23, yesterday was 24 1/2. Not quite caught up, but still showing growth. His/her heart rate was still in the 140's. None of this is what is supposed to be happening. The baby is supposed to be slowing down, both in movement and heart rate, and s/he should not be growing.

My check-up was kind of weird yesterday. There are 4 doctors and a nurse practitioner in this practice. Of those 4 doctors, I have one that is "my" doctor. When pregnant, they rotate us through all the doctors so that we will have met them at least once or twice if they happen to be the doctor on call when it's time to deliver. Anyway, back to yesterday's appointment. This is only the third time over 2 pregnancies that I've seen this particular doctor. I don't think I care for her very much. Maybe it's just her way, or maybe it's just that she was behind schedule yesterday, but she was very short with us. And she was kind of contradictory, too, in a way. On the one hand, she was verifying that I would be getting my Rhogam shot at my 28 week appointment, like there was nothing wrong, and on the other hand, when I asked about whether I needed to do the glucose tolerance test, she said no, because obviously no one expects this pregnancy to last long enough for it to be an issue. Anyway, we've decided that if movement, heart rate and growth are still the same next week, we're going to ask to have another ultrasound.


Anonymous said... glad you updated. I was just about to email you and ask how you were doing. I check often for updates and I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you guys and continuing prayers. (((HUGS)))

~Jen (QQ)

Tina said...

You write bravely about the whole thing...but I know it must be so hard...

Melodee said...

Debbie, you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.