Monday, March 28, 2005

At the risk of this seeming like it's becoming Alison's potty training page, I'm once again going to write about our progress. I'm sure the few readers I have are really going to get tired of entries about potty training, but what can I say? She's our first child, and she's a child that is not supposed to be able to do this on her own. When she was born we were still envisioning a complicated system of catheterization and enemas or even surgeries to get her socially continent. So this is proving to be a pretty big deal for us.

Anyway, she had a pretty good day. Once we got home from our appointment this morning, which resulted in an accident, she was dry the whole rest of the day. She was even in underwear for over three hours tonight with no accidents....until just before it was time for bath. Then she pooped in her underwear. To her credit, she did tell us. Unfortunately she told us as she walked across the room in that stance that indicates someone has a load in their pants. She seems like she's starting to realize what's going on, and that's good. I would like to try and get a more routine bowel program established, and I know what we need to try and do, but she is not willing to cooperate. Hopefully over the next few months she'll get to a point where we can explain, and she will understand, what we need to do and why we need to do it.

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