Thursday, December 2, 2004

Once again, a situation has cropped up that parents of "normal" children don't even have to think twice about. We received information in the mail today about Epworth Co-operative Preschool, the preschool sponsored by our church. Registration for next year is now open for members of area United Methodist churches (registration for the general public will begin in February). Alison will be 3 next fall, so she can go to preschool. The only catch is that she has to be potty trained. While we have every reason to think that she will be able to potty train, eventually, we don't know that we'll be able to accomplish it by the time she's 3. At the top of the registration form it says they admit students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin, but it says nothing about children with disabilities. What are the chances they would make an exception on the potty training rule for Alison? I guess I won't know until I ask. I don't play the special needs card all that often, because I don't like to do it, but the fact remains that she is a special needs child. Of course, I'm not even sure I want to send her to preschool next year anyway, so it's probably not even something worth worrying about. But what if I want to send her when she's 4 and she's not potty trained by then? I guess these kinds of issues are going to start cropping up more often now.

In totally unrelated news, we're a step further in our FET cycle. I got my lupron injection today. Hot flashes and night sweats here I come!! I had an appointment to get the darn shot at 10:00 this morning and didn't get out of there until 10:45.....and there was no one else there!!! I'm beginning to think there is a minimum amount of time you must wait before anyone will see you in that office. Betsy said if she were to guess when the transfer will take place, she thinks it will be sometime during the week after Christmas. That's fine with me. :) It would have been a little to weird if it was around Dec. 20, because that's when Alison's transfer was.

And the final piece of news, Isaiah is home from the hospital and recovering pretty well. He came home 4 days after surgery. His mom said that although he doesn't want to even try to sit up, he is smiling and laughing again, so that's good news. Hopefully his recovery will continue to go smoothly.

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