Monday, December 20, 2004

I'm Mr. White Christmas
I'm Mr. Snow
I'm Mr. Icicle
I'm Mr. 10 below....

When I was a kid, we used to watch all the Rankin/Bass Christmas specials. You know the ones I'm talking about.....Santa Claus is Coming to Town (Burgermeister Meisterburger!), Jack Frost, Nestor the Christmas Donkey, and, probably the most famous, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. I liked them all, but my absolute favorite was The Year Without a Santa Claus because I loved Heat Miser and Cold Miser. I don't know why, but I did. I was very disappointed when Christmastime would come and that was no longer one of the special shows that was shown. I was ecstatic when the Family Channel (FoxFamily and now ABCFamily) started showing all those specials again.

That brings us to this year. Alison is at an age now where she will watch some of these things. We made a big deal out of watching Rudolph when it was on (even though we watched it on DVD) and she loved it. And then we got Year Without a Santa Claus on DVD. Alison is now an addict. She wants to watch it all the time because she wants to see Heat Miser and Cold Miser, especially Cold Miser. Like mother, like daughter, I guess. I'm glad to be passing on these "traditions" to her. The show is hokey, but it's fun. And to keep it fun, I'm trying really hard not to let her watch it too much. We've watched it twice, and I think that will be it....until next year. There are a lot of things that I let her watch all the time.....we watch Beauty and the Beast every Thursday night....but I think the Christmas specials need to remain just that...Christmas specials. I only hope I can get Alison to agree with me without too many tantrums. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved the snow miser and the heat miser! Very silly and corny...but they are classics, and a part of my childhood memories. I like sharing those things with my kids too...
