Friday, June 11, 2004

She Did It!!

Last night we finally went and bought Alison a little potty. I don't know why we hadn't done it before now, but we just hadn't. I did a little rearranging in the bathroom and found a (temporary?) place for it. Last night when she came in for her bath, we had her sit on the potty for a minute while we made sure the water was ok and got out the rest of her bath stuff. Since she had had a thouroughly soaked diaper less than 20 minutes earlier, we didn't expect her to go, and she lived up to that expectation. :)

This morning I figured I'd put her on it again for a few minutes and see what happened. So we got her pants down and diaper off and onto the potty she went. I grabbed the camera to take some pictures of her "first time on the potty" (even thought it was really her second time). Apparently I timed it just right because as I was telling her to sit down (again) and trying to get her to smile I heard it! That little piddle sound. Who would have thought that she'd go in the potty on the first real try at it!

I know it's going to take some time before she really gets it. I have no idea if she even made a little connection between what she did and where she did it. I don't know if she could even feel what she was doing. We tried again before lunch and she didn't go. But that's ok. I'm just thrilled she's gone once.

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