Thursday, March 6, 2008

Not a whole lot to write about today. Thursdays are kind of busy here, though. Alison started taking a new tap class last session, which is an hour later than her previous class, so she is able to be in choir at church now. So we go to choir, inhale some dinner afterwards (Subway, unless it's Papa John's pizza night for school) and then go to dance. Then Kevin comes and picks her up and I have my class. So that's what we did tonight. My class is going pretty well. It's a beginner class, and I'm not a beginner anymore, but it's still ok. I figure it's a fun way to get a little extra exercise.

Tomorrow, we're going to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch with a few friends. It should be a good time, at least for Alison. It caused a problem today, however. She was adamant that she was not supposed to ride the bus home because I was going to pick her up. I was standing at the bus stop when the school called me to see if she was supposed to ride the bus or not. The other to ladies picking up kids were like "they're still there." And I to say that yes, they were still there and it was Alison's fault because she wouldn't get on the bus. @@ They laughed. If it's not one thing it's another with this kid.

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