Thursday, October 12, 2006

As of today, I have officially lost all my baby weight from last year. I've been within 5 pounds of it since April and kept gaining an losing the same 3 pounds all summer, but I finally got myself in gear and got to work and hit my goal. Now that I've done that, it's on to the next, and final goal....only 11 more pounds to go.

And in other news, it's October 12, and it's snowing to beat the band right now.
Seriously. If this keeps up, all the leaves that just started coming down last week will be buried in snow. It's not snow that's going to last past today, but still..... snow on October 12? We could be in for a long winter.
First snow of the season
First snow of the season
It's a good thing that my mom bought Alison a new winter coat at the end of the season last year or we would have been in trouble this morning when it was 29 degrees when it was time to leave for physical therapy.

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