Monday, July 24, 2006

I've got a bunch of half finished blog entries just waiting to be finished and posted which I hope to do sometime before the summer is over -- I get started then get interrupted and don't get back to finishing them -- but I wanted to get this written down right away.

My daughter cannot keep a secret!!!

Yesterday was Kevin's birthday. Saturday we took him shopping so he could use up a gift card he had gotten from his mother for Father's Day. (Yes, he's 37 years old and still needs someone to help pick out his clothes!) Alison and I took a detour through the pajama department, while he went off to browse through the shirts, and picked out a pair of short sleeve/short pant pj's for a birthday present. I managed to get them purchased and home without her telling what we bought. Yesterday morning, after I reminded her, she ran off to tell Kevin happy birthday and this is what I hear: "Happy Birthday Daddy!! We bought you some pajamas!!" At that point, I decided not to even bother wrapping said pajamas and just taped the shopping bag closed and gave them to him that way.

I did not have time to make a Mississippi Mud Pie for the acutal birthday, so I planned to make one today. We went shopping for a few ingredients that I needed this morning and I told her not to tell daddy what we were doing. Kevin got home from work, and was sniffing around (hard to mask the smell of chocolate baking) and Alison pops out "we made you a cake!"

She was very upset when she realized she ruined the surprise. But she'll learn how to keep a secret one day. (I hope!)

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