Saturday, December 17, 2005

My Christmas shopping is done....I think. Kevin will kill me if I buy one more thing for Alison. Don't let me loose in the toy store alone. I went there for two specific things, one from us and one from grandma, and came out with about 5 extra things. Most were little things for her stocking, but I did by one more "big" gift. Guess that will be from Santa. :) And I am also not to be let loose in the bookstore either. I went to get a calendar for Kevin and a little book as a stocking stuffer for Alison. It took a lot of restraint to only buy one book for Alison, which is why I bought two, and the second one is definitely not for the stocking, unless her stocking is big enough to fit the Jolly Green Giant (which it's not). It only cost $4.98, so I couldn't pass it up.

I need to find out from Kevin how much money he's spent/is going to spend on me and then I'll know if I'm done buying for him. Part of his gift is an IOU because the store only had one of something I need two of and I'm not going to drive all over to see if another store has another one. And if he's spent more than I have, he's getting the difference in a gift card from somewhere, probably Home Depot of Lowes.

I'm glad the shopping is done, but I am soooo not looking forward to the wrapping. I have already wrapped all the gifts for my extended family and Kevin's family (roughly 18 people) and I still have to wrap the stuff for my family, Alison, Kevin, and the dog. And I have to wrap Alison's presents from Kevin's mom, too, since I was also the one who had to buy them.@@ I really hate wrapping Christmas gifts, but I don't dare let Kevin loose on them. If I were smart, I'd just spend (donate) a few bucks and let the people at the mall do it.

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