Wednesday, November 8, 2006

In other news today....

I went shopping again today. I took Alison shopping yesterday to pick out a Christmas dress because we are getting pictures taken Friday. Then I took a quick tour through the ladies' department to find something for myself. Alison had swimming lessons, so we were running short on time, and I was only able to find a top for me....found some pants that I liked, but had grabbed what I thought were a size 14 and a size 12, only to find that I had grabbed two 14's and they were too big. I had also intended to pick up some "winter" pajamas, since it's cold now and my current pajamas are a cap sleeved top and capri length bottoms, but in my hurry to get us out of the store and on our way to the pool, I forgot about the pajamas.

So I found myself back at the store this morning, after dropping Alison off at school. I picked out some new pj's and then set off in search of the pants. It took some searching, but just when I had resigned myself to trying on a pair of size 10 and knowing they would be too small, I found a 12. That was exactly what I needed. And just to see if I was really a size 12 or if it was just the style of pants, I grabbed a pair of jeans and they fit, too! I haven't worn a size 12 since, approximately, my sophomore year of college.

Oh, I tried on the size 10 pants just for the heck of it and yes, they were too small. But they weren't way, way to small. Keeping in mind that it wasn't that long ago that I wouldn't have been able to get size 10 pants up past my knees, I was able to get the on, waist buttoned and zipper zipped. They were still too tight in the seat, but it was great encouragement to work on losing the 9 pounds I have left to make my goal weight.

1 comment:

Melodee said...

Good for you! Isn't it fun to zip up smaller pants?