Thursday, April 27, 2006

Took Alison to the ped to get her MMR vaccine this morning. We did not get it at the recommended age, opting to wait until we absolutely had to -- meaning, for school, and I was planning to have her get it when I took her in for her physical for preschool. Well, we have mumps in our area (though not in our city), so I figured it would probably be a good idea to go ahead and get it done now instead of waiting until June, which is when her check-up is. The doctor gave me a hard time about not getting the stupid thing in the first place and the nurse gave me a hard time about wanting to get it now....."it says here that you refused this vaccine." "" Maybe she doesn't watch the news.

Alison was not at all happy about getting a shot, but she recovered quickly after it was done. She screamed and carried on for about three minutes, until the nurse mentioned picking out a sucker and a sticker. But she still told me, several times, that she does not like "little pokes."

1 comment:

Brandie said...

Awww :-( Poor thing.
And I've been worried about mumps too ... my 3yo had the first shot already, but they said she doesn't get shot two for a while now, oldest has had both rounds, and baby is too young for one round ... so I'm hoping it doesn't really hit any of them!! LOL!
Hope she's all healed from it now