Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Today I had my first official OB appointment. It was just supposed to be the "in take" appointment where we meet with the OB coordinator and go over medical history and all that jazz, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out that they were going to squeeze me in for and ultrasound as well. This practice is pretty busy, so it was kind of difficult to get this appt and my physical scheduled and the last I knew they were still working on an ultrasound appointment. Everything looked real good. I'm 11 weeks 1 day and baby was measuring 11 weeks 4 days, so that was good. We were able to get a look at the spine, and it appears that it is fine. But it is still really early and didn't get the best look, so we'll have to wait until we see the perinatologist before we can say for sure that everything is ok. The rest of the appointment went well. We covered some of the specifics of Alison's surgery, went over my medical history, etc. Then I had to run over to the lab, which was conveniently right next door, to have blood drawn.

Overall, I've been feeling pretty crummy for the last few weeks. I think things are starting to get a little better. I felt pretty awful yesterday. I thought I was in for it this morning because I didn't sleep very well last night....tossed and turned for a couple of hours after I went to bed, then a thunderstorm woke Alison up so she was in bed with me, and not sleeping, for a couple of hours.....but I acutally felt ok this morning. We are going to Cedar Point tomorrow, and have to leave really early, so I'm going to bed early and praying we don't have another thunderstorm tonight!

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