Thursday, February 10, 2005

My child is really getting on my last nerve lately. We're still fighting the food battle around here, and it's really starting to piss me off. She's refusing to eat foods that she's been eating since she started eating food. She'll take a bite of something and just hold it in her mouth without chewing it. That is, of course, unless it's something she absolutely loves, like cheese or ham. Today was the first day this week that we made it through 3 meals without a puking episode. Yesterday she at about 5 small bites of applesauce, puked up the sixth and then proceeded to scarf down 4 chicken nuggets, a handful (my handful, not hers) of french fries and a good bit of green Kool Aid. That was lunch. We did applesauce again at supper, and it went down with no problems. Everything else was a struggle, except for the aforementioned ham. Oh, and ketchup. She ate that, too. Today, at lunch, I had to go so far as pureeing both her peaches and her corn. She refused to chew either of them, but she ate them pureed. All of a sudden it's like we have an infant again. Oh, and as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing more disgusting than pureed corn......we never, ever have creamed corn here. I think Alison may have felt the same way, because she ate broccoli tonight without any muss or fuss....maybe she didn't want to run the risk of having to eat it pureed. She also scarfed down some roast beef and ate half of the popcorn I gave her (it's movie night tonight).

Before we could even get her to the dinner table tonight, though, we had to make a detour to her bed. She was given the option of getting in her highchair or going to bed. She thought I meant the big bed in her room and figured that would be lots of fun, but I meant her crib. In she went, everything remotely fun was removed, I told her she could either get out and eat or stay there for the rest of the night and not watch "Beauty," and then turned off the light and walked out the door, leaving her there in the dark. She was ready to eat in about 5 minutes. I don't know how many times that's going to work, though, and I really hate to use her bed for punishment.

If we can get through this phase, she just might live to see age 3. It's a good thing she's so cute. :)


Smoov said...

Maybe if you just let her not eat, she will get hungry eventually and eat what you offer her. Always give her something she likes but not seconds of that if she won't eat the other stuff. That worked for me. They won't starve themselves and it may just be easier not to make a big deal out of her eating, maybe she is playing you to get a rise out of you.


Debbie said...

I would love to be able to do that, but it always comes back to the poop issue. Since our bowel control program is diet based, she has certain amounts of fiber and fluid she needs to have each day or she will get really constipated. :(