Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Boo Boos and Band Aids

Who would have ever thought that band aids could be such a hassle. Because Alison is in the high risk category for developing a latex allergy, we limit her contact with items that contain latex (meaning we try not to let her be in contact with them at all). That means we use Curad band aids in our house, because they are latex free. Unfortunately, the last time we bought band aids the box only had one size, rather than the variety of sizes that BandAid brand comes in. Not a real big problem for big people boo boos, but for little people boo boos it's a pain in the rear.

I went in to get Alison up from her nap. I noticed there were little blood smears all over her crib sheet. After freaking out for a second, I realized they were all down where her feet had been, and that I had noticed what looked like a little blister on one of her toes the other day. Sure enough, the spot that had the blister had been bleeding. Great. Now we needed to somehow put a band aid on a very tiny toe. So with scissors in hand, I began to "size" my band aid, feeling grateful that I was working on her right foot. This is one of the only advantages to her not having any feeling in that foot. While she was sqirming around a little -- because you must squirm around when mommy needs you to sit still -- it was nothing like it would have been if she could have felt what I was doing to her toes! Of course this same lack of feeling is what let things get to the point where she needed the band aid in the first place. :( In the end, I got the stupid band aid on. Hopefully this won't happen again until someone's little piggies are a whole lot bigger.

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