Monday, March 8, 2004

Weekly Weigh In (week 6)

I lost one pound last week, bringing my total to 14 pounds. I had been hoping to lose two pounds and bring my total to 15 pounds, but given the binge filled week I had, I'm glad to have lost any weight at all.

I'm not sure exactly what my problem was last week, but it all started with Pizza Hut. From there, I moved on to cookie dough. I mixed up some oatmeal cookie dough Tuesday night, intending to make cookies for Alison on Wednesday. I did make the cookies, but not before eating at least 6 cookies worth of dough. A couple of days later, I moved on to the baked cookies, because Alison won't eat them, so somebody has to, right? Then from there, I moved on to Marie Calendar's chocolate mousse pie (my mom was visiting this weekend, so Kevin thought we should have pie).

I'm still not completely back on the wagon (there are still cookies out there in the kitchen calling me), but I'm doing better today.

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