Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Mall Walking

I can't believe the things I do to further my weight loss progess. I am now a mall walker. I really hate doing that. I much prefer to walk outside. I feel guilty going for a walk and not taking the dog with me. I felt particularly bad about doing it yesterday, since he had been stuck at the kennel all weekend while we were off having a good time. But yesterday it snowed all day, dumping about 4 or 5 inches of heavy, wet snow on our town. I have made a commitment to myself to walk every afternoon (or at least every weekday afternoon), so, rather than pay to walk on the indoor track at the community center, I opted to hit the mall.

I've gotten pretty good at getting the backpack on and off with Alison in it, so I took that with me instead of the stroller. It worked out pretty well except for two things: I didn't have any place to put my coat (and no change to rent a locker) and, since I have the backpack adjusted to accomodate Alison's marshmallow suit and she sits down in it farther without it, I spent quite a bit of time with either Alison's knee in my back or her foot kicking me in the behind. Still, it wasn't a bad walk. I was able to finish my two-and-a-little-bit-more miles in 35 minutes instead of 45 minutes. I had a fellow walker tell me I was an inspiration.

Today is a beautiful, bright, sunny day. So I'll be back out pounding the sidewalk. But the next time the weather is yucky, you'll be able to find me at the mall.

P.S. I lost 2 pounds last week, bringing my grand total to 10 in the last 4 weeks.

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